Monday, January 27, 2014

I Am Being Carried Right Along

I have not written this last week because I was SICK!  Like real sick, not cancer sick! Had a nasty cold & cough and spent 4 days slithering from the bed to one couch or another back to bed. Felt good to be SICK!! And now, I’m better and good to go. Paul accompanied me to see the plastic surgeon today and I got to pick out my new boobs!
Now there’s a sentence I never would have imagined writing.
A dear friend asked me what I need most right now and I said what’s working for me is lots of short little emails where I know you are thinking about me & sending me +++thoughts,  but such that I do not necessarily need to reply! Least interested in talking by phone. Of course, I love an old fashioned note or card (AND I know a lot of you have received hand made cards from me over the years  but don’t worry—I have ZERO expectation that this illness- even in me- is going to get you to pull out the construction paper, or make a collage or to all of a sudden find your box of colored pencils!) And while I'm saying what I  love, I also want to say how amazing Paul is, steady, smart, funny and unflappable as usual, keep him right in your prayers too!
Surgery is slated for 2/4/14. I am feeling happy, clear, strong, calm and ready to roll. I will be in the hospital for two days and then home recuperating for some weeks. Still requesting this prayer: May Amy have negative nodes & smooth sailing
I am a very impressionable person gal and take words to heart, so I have asked the anesthesiologist nurse to say this to me each hour during the (four hour) operation. Amy! You’re doing beautifully & you will have an uneventful and full recovery. Apparently they believe in this stuff now- at long last! 

Thank you for all your love & sweet thoughts & blessings, I am being carried right along.
Love & light,

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