Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Perennial Harvest on Middle Street

On my walk yesterday through the fields and meadows across from my house, I was mesmerized by the way the long grasses were matted down in swirling patterns on the soft damp ground. Birds were going bananas in the warm January sunshine. When I got back to the road, my favorite garbage truck was passing by. The trash collector, a ruddy, robust woman at that job for decades, I had not seen in several years. I remember bringing my brand new babies to the end of the driveway on trash day, holding them up... 3 kids/ 4 years, it was like a perennial harvest on Middle Street. Today she slowed down to wave; and when she drove away...call me nuts, but here's what I thought: Wow, that nice lady is taking away all the negativity associated with this cancer. 
Ta-ta, Ta-ta!! 

I am feeling all your love and prayers, trying to stay open to it all. 

Love & light,

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